Colorado Archery Elk Hunting

Colorado Archery Elk Hunting

Colorado Archery Elk Hunts
Colorado Rifle Elk Hunts
Colorado Muzzleloader Elk Hunts
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Join us at AEI Outfitter for your archery elk hunt in Colorado in GMU 55! Since 1984 AEI Outfitter has been guiding archery elk hunters through the Colorado high country for the ultimate encounter with a monster bull elk. Our success on guided hunts is considerably above the statewide average with our average shot opportunity hovering around 70%.

We are prepared to hike you deep into wild elk country or to set you up in established stand sites. Our guides will ensure you a first class hunt and we promise to work as hard to give you the best opportunity at success. If you are fortunate to harvest an animal, your guide, along with AEI Outfitter staff, will field dress and pack your animal out for you. Food, lodging and pack outs are included with all AEI Outfitter base camp hunting packages. Gunnison offers quality meat processing and taxidermy services to get your trophy ready for travel.

Although base camp is remotely located in the heart of the Gunnison National Forest our facilities are equipped with everything needed to make your stay an enjoyable one. Clean and accommodating log cabins are provided for all hunts, complete with comfortable beds and either gas heat or wood burning stoves. Specialty cabins are available for couples. The meals are good home cooked and are served with big appetites in mind.

Archery Elk Hunting in Taylor Park

Archery Elk Hunting in Taylor Park

Archery Elk hunting in Unit 55, Taylor Park Colorado is an experience of a lifetime. You will be hunting bugling bull elk in the heart of the rut, surrounded by 13,000' mountain peaks. This is elk hunting like you've dreamed about! There's no shortcuts here and you will be challenged as well as rewarded in only ways that a mountain adventure hunt can grant. Our elk habitat in Taylor Park ranges from 9,000' in elevation to 13,000'. Generally, in September, the elk are high and we are hiking in to pursue them in their summer range. This is a physically demanding hunt, but one that holds great opportunity for those that come ready to hunt hard! 

On our guided and semi-guided hunts, we drive out of the main base camp each day to hunt the surrounding public land. We are fortunate to be permitted in over 300,000 acres of National Forest/Wilderness lands. Because of the vastness of our territory, we stay mobile by driving to various trailheads and access points, then hiking in to the areas we want to focus on that day. We always come back to the main base camp at night for a good hearty meal and a good nights rest in the cabins. Be prepared to hike and hunt hard in one of the most amazing landscapes found anywhere! 

Archery Outfitter Options

Fully-Guided Archery Elk Hunt
Our fully-guided elk hunts gives you the opportunity to hunt 1-on-2 or 1-on-1 with an experienced Colorado elk guide. This hunt package is our most successful option and offers the best opportunity for harvesting big game animals. This hunt takes place on nearly 360,000 acres of surrounding Gunnison National Forest and the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness. 

Private Land-Stand Archery Elk Hunt
The private land, stand hunt allows you to hunt on established stands and blinds on both private (~2,000 acres) lands. This is a stand-hunt only, but we provide transportation to and from stand locations each hunt and suggest hunt locations throughout the week based on elk movements and sightings.

Semi-Guided Archery Elk Hunt
For more experienced hunters, the semi-guided hunt is another hunt option with AEI. We will look over maps with you daily, helping you come up with a game plan and strategy. Though physically, this is not a guided hunt, we help you as much as possible to find the elk and give advice on how to hunt certain areas. This hunt takes place on nearly 360,000 acres of surrounding Gunnison National Forest and the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness.

DIY Drop Camp Archery Elk Hunt
For the more adventurous hunters, a drop camp hunt is another option. Our simple but comfortable, backcountry camps are set in locations that are not easily reached by day hunters. We help hike you and your gear into the camp location and give you advice on what areas to focus on. We have a few different geographical options for our early season hunters to have a memorable backcountry elk hunting experience. We provide a teepee style sleeping tent with a lightweight wood stove and cots. The rest of your food and gear is up to you to provide. 

* All of our hunting options include food, lodging and pack-out services!

*Archery Tags in CO GMU 55 are by drawing only. Non-residents need at least 1 elk preference point to draw a tag in our area and 2 points guarantees it.  While residents can draw with 0 points but 1 point secures it. You must submit a drawing application before the deadline in early April of each year. Applications for tags are available at the beginning of March each year through the CPW website. See below for more information.

2025 Archery Packages Dates & Rates

5-Day Hunting Packages
All elk hunts are for 5 days and include a 7-day food and lodging package.

Archery Dates 2025:
Week 1: September 2-6  
Week 2: TBD
Week 3: September 13-17 (Muzzleloader)
Week 4: September 20-24

Guided Private-Stand Semi-Guided Drop-Camp (walk-in)
1x2: $6,000/pp $4,400/pp $3,500/pp $2,200/pp (min 3 ppl)
1x1: $7,200/pp

Non-Hunters: $1,200 per person.

Archery Licenses are available by drawing only, please see below.

*Prices do not include license fees or gratuity. 
*Gratuity is not mandatory but is an industry standard and MUCH appreciated! Recommended Gratuity - Guides: 10%-20% of Hunt Cost, Support Staff/Packout Crew: $30 p/p, Head Chef: $50-$100, Asst. Chef: $25-$50.

2026 Archery Packages Dates & Rates

5-Day Hunting Packages
All elk hunts are for 5 days and include a 7-day food and lodging package.

Archery Dates 2026:
Week 1: September 2-6  
Week 2: September 12-16 (Muzzleloader/Archery)
Week 3: TBD
Week 4: September 21-25

Guided Private-Stand Semi-Guided Drop-Camp (walk-in)
1x2: $6,300/pp $4,700/pp $3,800/pp $2,500/pp (min 3 ppl)
1x1: $7,500/pp

Non-Hunters: $1,200 per person.

Archery Licenses are available by drawing only, please see below.

*Prices do not include license fees or gratuity. 
*Gratuity is not mandatory but is an industry standard and MUCH appreciated! Recommended Gratuity - Guides: 10%-20% of Hunt Cost, Support Staff/Packout Crew: $30 p/p, Head Chef: $50-$100, Asst. Chef: $25-$50.

Unit 55 Hunting Applications

Unit 55 Hunting Applications

Please note that unit 55 archery tags are limited, therefore you must apply for the tag in Colorado's annual application process. Applications for licenses open online March 1. The deadline for applications is the first Tuesday in April of each year. We can assist you in this process upon request. 

Currently, tags can be drawn as a resident with 0 preference points (81%) and non-residents can draw with 2 preference points (86%). Tags are available through the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife. 

Hunt Codes for GMU 55 Archery:

Either-Sex Archery Tag: E-E-055-O1-A


To make a hunt reservation, you will need to fill out a registration form and we require a deposit of 1/2 the total hunt or $1,000 depending on your preference point situation. The second payment is due by June 15 and final payment is due 30 days prior to the start of your hunt. The deposit is non-refundable unless extraneous circumstances are approved by outfitter and if you do not draw your desired tag, you may roll over your deposit to a future year.  

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Archery Elk Hunts

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